In the first year of Poem Alone, since we launched on 1st January, we've published over 200 poems! That figure has only been achieved due to the great submissions received across the year - to everyone that sent in their work for consideration, many thanks for letting us read your work.
To celebrate our first year, here is the ten top most read poems from the blog in 2024:
1. ‘A Cardiac Cold Myth’ by Kushal Poddar
2. ‘Silence’ by Petar Penda
3. ‘Poetry is dead’ by Howie Good
4. ‘Wild Roses’ by Jacquie Bryson
5. ‘The Worst Part of Being Past 65’ by Jacqueline Jules
6. ‘untitled’ by Katerina Stoykova
7. ‘Great Uncle Harry’ by Lesléa Newman
8. ‘Spring Day’ by Maurice Devitt
9. ‘Mr Casey’ by Peter Adair
10=. ‘Bear Hunt’ by Jacqueline Jules
10=. ‘Reasons to choose a hotel’ by Emma Lee
In the number one spot, Kushal Poddar was the very first poet we published on the blog, so it's fitting that we also close 2024 with another poem from him.
As always, submissions are open, and we look forward to more great work in 2025!