Saturday, 1 March 2025

Royal Rhodes: Words in a Mirror

The mirror on its surface looks asleep,
but when you stared, it woke and tried to please

by looking in your eyes and 'round the room
to find reality a common moor

as light that waited hours in the east
flashed and blinded as I took a seat

at breakfast, hearing from the treetops taps
like code recording secrets from the past.

Each night I listen to a stoic owl
ask me who I am in tones so low

it makes me ask whenever someone dies,
who can sleep with no one by their side?

The wind and rain outside lay waste the earth,
while I longed to hear your telltale heart. 

Royal Rhodes is a retired educator who taught global religions. He enjoys reading poetry and listening to Classical music. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals, in print and online. He lives in a small village in rural Ohio, near Old Order Amish farmers.