Monday 29 July 2024

Rinat Harel: The Weather & I

The weather today is clear and nippy.
I think I’ll wear the black leather coat,
red stiletto boots,
doff a beret if I can find one,

and set out to the main road.
Drivers will honk at me, perhaps hum a simple tune.
A general price increase was just announced on the radio;
cigarettes will go up by fifteen percent.
I do not smoke.
Someone will stop me in the street and ask for the time.
I shall reply: “I have no watch!”
The weather today is clear and nippy.
So am I.

Rinat Harel holds a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University of Exeter, England. Her writing has been published in various literary magazines and received several awards. She currently works on a poetry collection titled Poems from the Boidem.