Tuesday 30 April 2024

Michelle Ortega: Picnic

I’ve only eaten figs 
at Thanksgiving, dried, 

so I have no idea 
how delicate the skin, 

how unexpected when 
I lift a purple jewel 

with greedy, careless 
fingers    and it splits, 

exposing the magenta 
false-flesh, tiny blooms––

nectar drips through 
my fingers before 

I inhale the first,
the sweetest bite.

Michelle Ortega’s writing has been published at Tweetspeak Poetry, Tiferet Journal, Exit 13, Snapdragon: A Journal of Healing, Platform Review, Shot Glass Journal, Paterson Literary Review, Rust + Moth, Humana Obscura, Stillwater Review and in various anthologies. Her microchapbook Tissue Memory (Porkbelly Press) was released in February 2022.  www.michelleortegawrites.com