Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Glen Armstrong: Prince Songs at the DVLA

Prince’s unpublished songs
fly about like little birds.

Some of them escape to the future
in time machines

where Prince welcomes them home.
Some of them hide 

from Prince’s estate in the toes
of his stiletto-heeled boots.

It’s spring again, and I must renew
my driver’s license.

One of Prince’s published songs
plays at the DVLA

and everyone goes crazy.
It’s not that an orgy breaks out

amid the clerical grind of who 
owns what and who 

drives whom, but I can tell 
that I’m not the only one 

wondering what it would be like
if it did.

Glen Armstrong (he/him) holds an MFA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and edits a poetry journal called Cruel Garters. His poems have appeared in Conduit, Poetry Northwest, and Another Chicago Magazine.