They, the soul eaters, sons,
daughters betrothed to institutions
have usurped my womb,
my sun, ravaged my mind
with privation –
now they want my body.
I am slave, at the mercy
of food, a weapon, it chokes
me with their need.
They think I am frail, bring plates
with teeth, wild animals attack me.
I cannot tell you, as you come
towards me with your large
platter of nourishment, I am
terrified it will eat me,
that blood in its contents
will soak my bones, trigger
primitive instinct. My stomach
refuses to digest your utopia,
where the witch’s flame is quenched.
My gut has a voice too,
she becomes a wild animal, bloated
with feeling, fat with lies, seeks
revenge for the killing.
She eats not just your food, your
plate, your power, she swallows my smile.
I’ve built a wall of starvation.
No one enters, not even me.
(Originally appeared in 'Dinner in the Fields', Fly on the Wall Press, 2020)
Attracta Fahy, Psychotherapist, MA.W NUIG ‘17. Winner-Trócaire Poetry Ireland Competition 2021. Irish Times; New Irish Writing 2019, Placed 3rd, in Allingham Poetry Competition 2023. Shortlisted for: Saolta Poems for Patience 2023, Fish International Poetry Competition 2022. Fly Press published her debut chapbook collection Dinner in the Fields, in March’20.