Tuesday 30 January 2024

M.J. Arcangelini: Privilege

The richest men alive have collaborated,
even though it went against their instincts,
to retain a small army of specially trained
technical engineers assigned to completely
redesign the common sewing needle.
They have also assembled an expensive
selection of geneticists, biologists, and
zoologists assigning them the very daunting
task of developing a method to re-combine
DNA and create a very tiny living camel.
In this way, the billionaires hope to pass
the diminutive camel through the much
enlarged eye of the newly engineered
needle and thereby purchase their way into
heaven, as they are certain God intended.
M.J. (Michael Joseph) Arcangelini was born 1952 in western Pennsylvania. He has resided in northern California since 1979. His work has been published in many magazines, online journals, over a dozen anthologies, & 6 collections, the most recent of which is “Pawning My Sins” from Luchador Press, 2022. YouTube channel