Wednesday 17 January 2024

Lou Raio: If left to my own devices

What we need cannot be bought and 
We couldn't afford it any how 
And more likely 
It's fleeing from us faster 
It's running out and running away from us 

Imagine that cliché hand 
Holding a fist full of cliché sand 
And its cliché slipping through the fingers 

Soon all the guitars will be out of tune and 
They'll be no one left to tune 'em
The cool refreshing water will run hot 
Sweaty brows and denial 
It'll be dry like you couldn't believe 
Your last quenched thirst is behind you 

All the matters will no longer 
Your prized possessions all paperweights now 
And the paper burns 

Lou Raio is a poet, artist, photographer, blogger, vlogger and all around creative creator. He's been writing for about 20 years and has been an active poet for the better part of the last decade. He currently resides in the south eastern United States. Instagram: @_ananxiousman_ & @_poetryforall_