Tuesday 23 January 2024

Jim Murdoch: Endothermic Entropy

Endothermic processes embrace the paradox of entropy's dance, as the absorption of warmth unravels order, giving birth to the beautiful chaos of transformation – Original quote generated by OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo language model

Remembering is a bad idea.
Every time you do
you remember a little less
and a little wrong.
Memories are brittle
and need to be
handled with care.
Better yet, not at all.
We memorise things piecemeal:
dribs and drabs and odds and ends.
Recollection is largely reassembly.
But like doing a jigsaw made of ice.

Jim Murdoch lives down the road from where they filmed Gregory’s Girl which, for some reason, pleases him no end. He’s been writing poetry for fifty years for which he blames Larkin. Who probably blamed Hardy. Jim has published two books of poetry, a short story collection and four novels.